AlL r broken english..
So sry
I juz wanna 2 say about one thing...
and i hate tat thing soooooooooooooooo much
It is about smoking,
vOnvOn hate smoking veli veli veli much...
I oso dunno since when I hate it soooooooooo much
The smell is veli veli veli smelly...
look like shit,
and i think it is worst thn shittttttttttttttt...
I hate ppl smoking,
although boys or female.....
The ppl who smoking is stupid idiot and foolish...
girl smoking veli veli veli rude
eventhough boy smoking means yeng
actually is stupid...
the "rokok" is so expensive
can harm our body
and may oso pollute the environment...
all r disadvantage......
I am so luckily bcause my dad didnt do it,
reali so luckily,
he oso didnt drink alcohol tat things,
glad 2 say....
I gt many friends their father likes 2 smoke,
drink alcohol in pub....
and many many
sry 2 heard about tat,
I gt 1 friend tell me,
if her Pmr gt straight A,
her father wil promise her stop smoking,
and I reali hope tat her dad wil do wat he had said...
near the street I saw many leng zai,
however when i saw them smoking,
all their image r spoil....
in my heart,
ppl who smoke is bad person....
I hope next time my Bf or lao gong...
wil nt smoke,
drink alcohol.....
if nt i wil killllllllllll him la

vOnvOn hAt3 smOkiNg
who didnt hate smoking o!
ReplyDeletemaybe gt ppl nt hate smoking geh
the smoker lol